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Vidor Church of Christ

Service Times

Morning Classes: 9:00 AM
Morning Services: 10:00 AM
Evening Services: 6:00 PM
Bible Study: 7:00 PM

Study Materials

It is important for all Christians to conduct a personal study. These studies often have the greatest impact on your biblical knowledge. It can be hard to get started though with so many options or finding credible sources to supplement your study. Use the materials below to help you get started today!

About Us

The church that meets at 460 East Freeway is overseen by the faithful men of our local congregation. We are independent of any governing organization. We are not associated with any national or world headquarters. However, we cooperate voluntarily with our sister congregations with gospel meetings, teacher training meetings and Vacation Bible Schools. The church of Christ is noted for its emphasis upon returning to New Testament Christianity and for its desire to "be perfectly united in mind and thought" (1 Corinthians 1:10). We try to follow the basic, innocent faith that was proclaimed on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2). If you are earnest about learning more by means of studying the Holy Bible and obeying what it says, you will truly find a home here at the Vidor Church of Christ. You will be greeted with a pleasant friendly welcome and find that the sincerity of our worship is reverent yet warm. Worship is an opportunity to show God how much we admire His love, mercy and power. Aspects of our worship are explained in our Doctrinal Statement.

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